
Mentorship Program

Mentoring is a way that young people can have someone to relate to, encourage them, and receive advice in everyday life activities. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations. Mentees are 130% more likely to hold leadership positions and 55% more likely to go to college. The B.E.R.R.Y Ambassadors Mentorship program mission is to provide an open door professional and personal relationship in which an experienced person (mentor) encourages another (mentee), in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the mentee’s professional and personal growth. This program also includes tutoring services for all subjects.

If interested in becoming a mentor or a tutor, please submit a volunteer form and select Mentor or Tutor volunteer.

Lemons Heart Program

The Lemons Heart program is named after CEO Brittne Berry’s grandfather, Ollie Lemons, Jr., who had a long history of cardiovascular disease as a result of his smoking habit. He sadly passed away on Nov. 3, 2005 from a heart attack. He could have been saved if it was known to call 9-1-1 or start CPR. This health program was created in his memory and is dedicated to raising awareness about cardiovascular disease, promoting wellness, donating to lung and heart research, and to promote life-saving skills such as First Aid/CPR/AED in the community. It is imperative that all babysitters, parents, employees, caregivers of ill or elderly, and youth are equipped with the skills to be prepared for emergencies. Save a life. Get CPR certified.

If you are interested in earning your First aid/CPR/AED certification, click here for pricing and the list of upcoming training classes in your area.

Financial Literacy Program

An international survey conducted by PISA regarding financial literacy found that 18 percent of American 15-year-olds could not answer basic financial questions or do simple check book balancing. With the United States being one of the most developed financial markets in the world, it is a very telling problem when most of young people know relatively little about basic skills necessary for managing money. B.E.R.R.Y Ambassadors has acknowledged the issue and is making strides to educate our youth in financial literacy. Through our Financial Literacy Program, our youth will gain the education needed by attending financial literacy workshops and forums geared toward a range of topics from simple saving and accounting skills to credit cards and student loans.

Career Guidance Program

As a young adult preparing to enter the adult world, the number one concern is what they will become and a lot of that is gauged upon a successful career. Stepping out in the world with no direction could make the already complex task of landing a successful career, a much more daunting one. B.E.R.R.Y Ambassadors believe that giving our youth a head start is key to their success. Our Career Guidance Program gives that head start by preparing our youth for a successful career through offering interviewing and resume writing workshops, access to job fairs and networking events, and educational and motivational speakings from local successful entrepreneurs.